Having given careful consideration to a range of factors, the Junior School Management Team has finalised the placement of class teachers for 2019.
Next year, we will welcome back Mrs Jane Hodgson, Mrs Rebecca Ratu (maternity leave); Ms Georgia Boam, Mrs Diana Liston, Ms Annette Murdoch (long service leave); Mrs Melissa Murray and Mrs Asher Colvin (personal leave).
As a result of these staff members returning, we farewell the staff who have done an excellent job in replacing them throughout this year. We sincerely thank Mrs Meg Collyer, Ms Melissa Smith, Ms Kate Haigh (Williamstown Campus); Ms Kate van Noorden, Ms Elwyn Blackley (Winjeel Campus); and Mrs Ebony Johnson (Verdon Campus) for their valued contribution to the School during the period they have been with us and we wish them all the very best for the future.
With these changes in mind (and noting that some staff will be swapping campuses in 2019), the list of class teachers for next year is as follows:
Williamstown Campus:
Prep: Mrs Samara Hudek, Mrs Tanya Turczyniak
Year 1: Mrs Asher Colvin, Mrs Kim Mitchell
Year 2: Mrs Donna O’Brien, Miss Helen Toner
Year 3: Ms Annette Murdoch, Mrs Jill Green
Winjeel Campus:
Prep: Mrs Jane Hodgson, Mrs Catriona Jackson, Mrs Elizabeth Reader
Year 1: Ms Georgia Boam, Mrs Rebecca Christo, Mrs Tracy Hannett
Year 2: Ms Cassandra Forbes, Mrs Cate Grech, Mrs Delray Edinberry
Verdon Campus:
Year 3: Mrs Melissa Davis, Mrs Rebecca Kovac, Ms Susie Moxey
Year 4: Mr Jonathon Hannett, Mrs Diana Liston, Mr Brenton Menzies, Mrs Melissa Murray, Mrs Rebecca Ratu
Year 5: Mr James Diery, Mrs Anne Richardson, Mrs Nicole Sutton, Ms Emma Woodall
Year 6: Mrs Andrea Cameron, Mr Simon Corcoran, Ms Michelle Monaghan, Mr David Walker
Paul Barklamb – Head of Junior School