How many days of school has your child missed this semester?
21 June 2018










This is within normal range.  A child with this attendance rate is able to take full advantage of the teaching and learning opportunities available to them.


This attendance rate is below average.  A child with this attendance rate could miss over one year of learning between Prep and Year 10.


This is a poor attendance rate.  A child with this attendance rate could miss up to two years of learning between Prep and Year 10.


This is a very poor attendance rate.  A child with this attendance rate could miss over two and a half years of learning between Prep and Year 10.


Being one half hour late for school each day from Year 7 – 12 is equivalent to missing one half year of learning.


  • Students need to attend school regularly to make the most of educational opportunities and to reach their full potential.
  • There is a direct link between school attendance and achievement later in life.
  • Poor patterns of attendance in the early years lead to poor patterns of attendance throughout the school years.
  • Poor attendance makes it difficult for children to form positive relationships with their peers.

What can parents do?

  • Ensure that your child attends school on all designated school days.
  • Only allow your child to be absent from school if there is a legitimate reason such as illness.
  • Immediately notify the school if your child is going to be absent.
  • When your child returns to school send a note to the classroom teacher which clearly outlines the reason for your child’s absence.
  • Ensure that your child is on time for school every day.

Kylie Baxter – Acting Head of Junior School