Junior Action Service Program (JASP)
21 June 2018

Jirrahlinga is a wildlife sanctuary in Barwon Heads where animals are cared for and loved by volunteers. They nurse the sick animals back to good health, bottle feed the orphaned baby animals and help injured animals to recover. Once the animals are healthy, the team at Jirrahlinga release them back into their natural habitat. We are certain you will have seen in your travels those poor injured kangaroos or koalas by the side of the road and sometimes they may have joeys in their pouch. The joeys are often taken to the sanctuary to be cared for.

We are keen to support Jirrahlinga as they endeavour to help our wildlife. If you would like to support us in collecting donations, could you please send items in before the end of term. There will be a collection box placed in the piazza spaces at Winjeel and Verdon Centre and at the Junior School Reception at Williamstown. The items we are hoping to receive are:

  • Baby formula so that the baby animals can be bottle fed (half used is fine).
  • Tools that could be used to clean out the animal’s cages such as brooms, rakes, shovels, gardening gloves etc.

Over the holidays we are going to volunteer our time as Junior Rangers and we will take all donations with us to give to the sanctuary.

Thank you in anticipation of your support,

Charlise Turczyniak & Sarah Hannett- Year 5 Students