Use of Mobile Phones in the Junior School
18 October 2018

Parents of students in the Verdon Centre are reminded that students should only have a mobile phone at school for emergency contact purposes, such as travelling home on the bus. Even then, parents need to have completed the 2018 Mobile Phone Register permitting students to have a mobile phone at school.

If you haven’t already done so, in order for this to occur, parents need to go through the following steps:

  1. Read the Policy with your child. The Policy can be accessed here.
  2. Input your child’s mobile phone number using ‘My Details’ and edit the personal details section by clicking on the following link:
  3. Email the Head of Campus – Verdon Centre (3-6), Nicole Armatas, to inform her that your child has a mobile phone at school. The email address is

Paul Barklamb – Head of Junior School