As formal Year 12 academic classes wind up on Monday 22 October I would like to take the chance to wish all the best to the ‘Class of 2018.’ Traditionally the English Exam kicks off the VCAA examination carnival and this year that occurs on Wednesday 31 October. Students all then have a unique timetable of examinations that finish at different times over the ensuing three weeks. Our final celebration with these students and their families occurs at the Valedictory Dinner on Thursday 22 November. At this events the Class of 2018 officially graduate and depart the evening as alumni of Westbourne Grammar. From there the next exciting adventure of tertiary education (for the vast majority of our students) and life beyond School will begin to take shape.
The last few days of Year 12 are filled with special events and bitter-sweet moments as our emerging young adults wrestle with the fact that they are ready to move on in their lives, but simultaneously they are so familiar and comfortable within the Westbourne Community. Some of these final events include the formal Final Assembly, Chapel Service and House Meetings and the more light-hearted Fashion Parade and Year 12 Assembly. Across this time all students are expected to act with respect for the relationships they have built up over many years, and with care for our valued facilities and environment. Fun at the expense of someone else, or actions that cause harm or damage are, of course, not tolerated.
Of course I love statistics so here a few ‘fun facts’ about the Class of 2018:
We wish you the best of health over the next busy phase of your life.
Go well!