We share news and updates about the life of the school in a number of ways, including regular news and updates for current families, on our Schoolbox platform. The School also has a range of publications and reports that are available for the broader community. These include our twice yearly magazine Monomeith, Annual Reports for Government, VCE results summary and other papers and reports from time to time.
Annual reports
In order to fulfil its statutory obligations under the Education and Training Reform Regulations (2007), the school is obliged to submit an Annual Community Report. As a registered school in the state of Victoria, this report must contain detailed information regarding such key matters as: stewardship and governance, management and staffing, student attendance and outcomes, professional learning, finances and details of parent, staff and student satisfaction with the School. Once submitted, the Annual Community Report is published by the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority and is readily available on both their website and the School’s website.
2023 VCE Results
VCE Results

Huge congratulations from all in the Westbourne community go to the fine young people who represent our Class of 2023. Throughout their years at Westbourne, this group has exemplified our values and are leaving equipped with a myriad of leadership skills that will serve them well in the years ahead.

Literata is the School Year Book published in December each year. It is a formal record of the whole school year, staff, students and events and provides an archival record of the people and activities of every year. School year books are treasured by most students and looked back on, dipped into over a lifetime bringing back memories. We have limited copies of various editions available. Please contact info@westbourne.vic.edu.au to make enquiries.
Monomeith is the biannual news magazine usually published in June and November each year. It has a circulation of several thousand and is sent to all current families, alumni and former community members. It gives a comprehensive overview of significant events and initiatives happening at the School with news of staff, students and alumni.

2024 - Edition 24
2023 - Edition 23
2023 - Issue 22
2022 - Issue 21
2022 - Issue 20
2021 - Issue 19
2021 - Issue 18
2020 - Issue 17
2020 - Issue 16
2019 - Issue 15
2019 - Issue 14
2018 - Issue 13
2018 - Issue 12
2017 - Issue 11
2016 - Issue 9
2016 - Issue 8
2015 - Issue 7