Each year the Westbourne Grammar Alumni Association receive community nominations of past students to be considered for the annual Notable Alumni Prize. This year two very worthy recipients were selected for the award – Stacey Morlang Sullivan (Class of 1998) and Dirk Welsford (Class of 1991). In presenting the award at the recent signature event Westbourne Celebrates, Alumni Association President Jessica Stojkovski spoke of the importance of the award and how that ‘in sharing our stories of life after Westbourne, we hope that we can inspire students of today to reach for their potential, stay true to their values and continue to grow as citizens of the world.’
Since leaving school Stacey Morlang Sullivan has remained a high achiever in sporting and leadership environments. She recently captained the Australian Women’s Lacrosse Team that competed at the World Championships hosted by the USA, continuing her long career on the pitch both domestically, collegiately, and internationally. Stacey is a three time Australian Team Captain and three time All-World Team selection and has played in four World Cups, earning gold, silver, and bronze medals. She is currently a Director of Women’s lifestyle brand ‘Show + Tell’ and a Leadership facilitator Aleda.
For the last 20 years as a university and government research scientist, Dr Welsford has been leading research teams and using science to deliver real world outcomes, with a focus on conserving the marine environment and Antarctica. Dirk has produced over 150 scientific publications, including co-authoring the Antarctica chapter of Australia’s 2021 State of the Environment Report. He has represented Australia and chaired forums across the world, and was the first Australian elected as chair of the Scientific Committee for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources, SC-CAMLR in 2019.
Congratulations Stacey Morlang Sullivan and Dirk Welsford