On Tuesday our Westbourne Grammar School School community celebrated our inaugural Founders Day assembly.
We heard stories from our history, and inspiring words from our school captains, Deputy Principal Teagan Collins, Reverend Steve Morrison, and a group of students, who shared with the audience their hopes and dreams for the school for the future. A rendition of the school song, and a brief recounting of the one hundred-and fifty-five-year history of the school, gave occasion to the founding of the school on Monday 22 July, 1867.
The first school captain of our Senior School, alumni Fiona Kellett in her speech stated ‘Where once there were just paddocks, we now have a fine school, of which we are very proud. In the years to come this school will become even bigger and everyone here will look back as I have and see their dreams and hard work fulfilled.’ Her address was moving and spoke to the values and community connections that make Westbourne Grammar School such a fine school.
Principal Adrian Camm shared his pride in the Westbourne story – a story of determination, courage and resilience.
Our school is a tribute to the incredible foresight of our Founders and the dedication of the group of women and men who dreamt of the opportunities it would provide. It is also a tribute to the ways in which people have been prepared to work together to achieve a shared goal. Our Founders would be thrilled with what has been achieved since 1867. They might even be astonished that the original enrolment of 23 students is now around 1700 – and growing. And while there have been changes, other things about our school continue – our values, community spirit and the message of our motto – That Which You Do, Do Well