On August 2 and 16, the Year 6 students were lucky enough to visit Parliament of Victoria and the Old Treasury Building in Melbourne’s CBD. This excursion aimed to show the students how Victoria’s State government operates through a series of role plays.
This hands-on experience really helped bring our Unit of Inquiry on the Three Levels of Government to life in a unique way, which would be difficult to replicate in the classroom. We were very proud of the students’ behaviour and by the enthusiasm shown in each session. They were able to bring the learning from the classroom to these scenarios. They articulated themselves well with thoughtful questions for our facilitators.
Following our excursion, we asked students to reflect on their experience using the thinking routine ‘I used to think……..but now I think/know..…..’ –
Siena Costa (6W) – I used to think that Canberra was always the capital of Australia, but now I know that Melbourne was the capital for 28 years.
Reuben Krawczyszyn (6C) – I used to think that people could sit anywhere in Parliament, but now I know that ministers have designated seats.
Alexandra Saunders (6C) – I used to think that women always had the right to vote, but now I know that a group of women had to fight for the right. They are called suffragettes.
Evdokia Sizenko (6M) – I used to think there was only one Parliament in Canberra but now I know there is one in each state.
Luca Zanette (6A) – I used to think Parliament has one vote for a law to come in but now I know that a bill goes through the House of Representatives, then the Senate and they may make changes to it along the way. Then it moves back to the House of Representatives for one last vote before it becomes a law.
Michelle Monaghan