Last term as a part of the Year 5 and 6 Electives program, a new group of students came together to learn about 3D printing. The students arrived in the first week, all without any prior experience with designing an object in a 3D space. They worked enthusiastically throughout the six-week period to learn a range of new skills which enabled them to create a model ready to be printed.
The highlight of this elective is the day that Mrs Cassar delivers the printed models to the Junior School, where the students can finally see their design come to life. It has been exciting working with the children each week and seeing some students continue their learning once the elective finishes, with one student going on to build a 3D printer at home, from a DIY kit.
I hope a spark of interest has been lit and students not only see the potential that this technology has for solving problems but also their own potential as creators.
A small selection of student’s 3D models is currently on display in the Verdon Centre Piazza.
Michelle Monaghan – Year 6 teacher