Last Thursday 16 August, children and families at Amici – Westbourne Early Learning Centre enjoyed a series of * Kamishibai stories (stories in a box) as a celebration of Children’s Book Week.
Children in the Under 3’s Learning Rooms participated in a morning of story-telling, songs and rhymes. The focus of Book Week this year was Find Your Treasure and the children prepared a treasure box for the storyteller which she promised to create a story around.
Our Kindergarten children returned in the evening with their families to find the pathway to the story telling space decorated with fairy lights. They too enjoyed the opportunity to listen and participate in several stories.
Families have shared very positive feedback about the storytelling experiences, especially appreciative of the opportunity to come together as a community to share.
*Kamishibai is a Japanese form of storytelling, which uses a series of picture cards which are revealed as the story is shared.
Heather Conroy