On Tuesday May 8, we invited mothers and special persons to have breakfast alongside their child to celebrate Mother’s Day.
We offered opportunities for children to participate and share their ideas in the preparation of this special event. With support from children, the foyer was purposefully designed for our guests to feel a sense of welcome. A small group of Kindergarten children designed our welcome poster. We documented and displayed children’s responses to the question; Why is your mum special? We were delighted to see many families taking the time to stop and read the children’s thinking on their way through to the rooms.
Each learning room invited children alongside their special visitors to participate in an experience that relates directly to their educational project. This was an invitation to bring the three protagonists; the child, teacher and parent together, to exchange in dialogue and participate in their child’s learning. It was wonderful to see the joy and enthusiasm demonstrated when participating in this learning experience, connecting with other mums, children and educators. We observed you all come together and demonstrate the true meaning of participation.
Thank you to all the wonderful mothers and special persons who were able to participate in this experience. This was a fantastic opportunity to meet again in a familiar and welcoming atmosphere.
Pauline Tepelis – Learning Room 1 Educator
Debbie Ball – Learning Room 4 Educator