It is this intention that sits at the heart of all that the school strives to achieve for each individual student. It is also at the heart of our broad strategic intent and educational philosophy which is founded on a common language of learning throughout the school. Through active application of the school’s vision and values through our policies, daily operations and practices, Westbourne Grammar’s philosophy is focused on creating a safe and supportive environment for the whole child in which each student can reach their full potential.
Westbourne Grammar School is characterised by its diverse community, which currently comprises students representing more than forty different nationalities and multiple faiths. Our value of community encourages respect and lies at the centre of how we engage with and care for each other inside and outside the classroom and, in a broader sense, with parents and the wider community. Respect for each other, our policies, the democratic principles of our country and the rule of law both reinforce and are fundamental to the school’s mission and values and apply equally to students and staff. In such a diverse community, religious freedom and tolerance are supported through open dialogue.
The school is committed to ensuring that its vision, mission and values are visible and lived through daily practices, while also used to guide our thinking and responses with respect to the ways in which we conduct teaching and learning for all students in our care.
Westbourne Grammar School supports and promotes the principles and practices of Australian democracy, including a commitment to: